Products Available for sale at "the HIVE shop" at Lost Acre Farm
2509 Conowingo Rd Bel Air MD 21015 Fri/Sat/Sun 9AM-5PM
Local Raw Honey
Our honey is extracted from our hives here at Lost Acre Farm. We do not use heat so the honey is in its natural state just as in the hive and retains all of the beneficial enzymes which can be destroyed by heat.
Lumina™ honey is from spring tree flowers (black locust and tulip poplar) and other spring flowers Silk™ honey is our creamed honey, spun with tiny honey crystals that slowly grow in a natural process to produce a creamy spreadable honey, delicious spread on toast or eaten right out of the jar with a spoon. Available in 9 oz. glass honeypots . 100% Beeswax Candles Rolled beeswax 8" tapers, cotton wicks- 14 colors from Ivory to Ebony and all of the colors of the rainbow plus natural. Christmas nativity beeswax blocks plus beeswax fir trees candles in 3 sizes. Real bayberry and beeswax candles - no fragrance added, all natural! |
Firefly™ Spiced Nuts
Firefly™ Spiced Nuts - Spiced glazed baked almonds & pecans. Made with our secret blend of spices plus a hint of hot pepper and coarse sea salt. Available in snack size or 8 oz. bags. Excellent right out of the bag or try them sprinkled on salads or ice cream.
Fruit Jams Made here with Lost Acre Farm ingredients. We use the slow long cook method, no pectin, so the jams have an intense fruit flavor; nothing like store-bought jams. It takes nearly a pound of fruit to make an 8 oz. jar. Spicy pepper fruit jam and jelly - excellent on cream cheese and crackers LIMBO™ jam -blackberry jam with Trinidad Scorpion pepper. |
Beeswax Products Plus
Lip Balm - made with beeswax, skin-soothing oils and shea butter. Dozens of flavors including Peach/Mango, Mintmary (Spearmint/Rosemary), Cocoa-Mint, Pomegranate, Chocolate Truffle, Wintergreen and Natural. Our Teaberry lip balm will remind you of the old-fashioned Clark's Teaberry gum.
Handmade Soaps Gardener's Soap with loofah , Calendula Aloe Soap, Jewelweed, and many more Felted soaps - handmade soap covered with alpaca and/or sheep wool. Use like regular soap, wool coating shrinks as soap is used. Perfect by the kitchen sink. Also great for removing dried paint and grease from your hands. Furniture Polish - all natural, with beeswax, natural lemon and orange oils. Pleasant citrus scent. 5 oz. tin Loofah natural sponges - grown at Lost Acre Farm with no sprays |
Legend of the Bayberry Candle - earl;y settlers burned their precious bayberry candles only on special occasions such as Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. "A bayberry candle burned down to the socket brings joy to the heart and gold to the pocket". Makes a perfect Holiday Gift.
Wedding/Party Favors

Wedding/Party Favors - Customized Honeypots, Spiced nuts, Soaps. Ave. Price $3.50-6 each
- 4.5 oz. glass honeypots are the perfect size for favors for your event, large or small (weddings, showers, birthdays, anniversaries). Custom labels and ribbon colors available.
- 4 oz. cones filled with spiced nuts and decorated with custom labels, inner wrap and ribbons.
- Our guest sized soaps -wrapped leaf, wildflower, heart and bee theme soaps are perfect for nature-themed weddings. Custom labels and gift boxes available.
- Contact us for pricing, details and sample label ideas.